Every week, Belo and I run a support group for parents who have children with special needs. I do not typically disclose what is discussed within support group in order to maintain confidentiality and respect for those who participate in the group. But this story needs to be shared as it is a story that display God’s mercy and grace. It is a story that can maybe provide hope to others’ or even just put a little smile on another’s face.
Last Friday we discussed the question of “why does God allow disabilities and why does He not heal everyone”, as I looked around the room I could see the pain and confusion in the eyes of most of the parents sitting there and the silence was deafening. None of them knew how to answer that question even though we discuss it often. They want to truly believe that there is a purpose for EVERYONE even their children who have special needs, but their community, their families all say otherwise….and they hear negativity on a DAILY basis. These parents deeply love their kids, but man, life here would be a whole lot easier for them if their child did not have a disability (more on this in a future blog post!). But then I noticed one parent. This parent was holding his precious little 15 month old little girl. (Side note: children typically do not attend group, but due to a scheduling conflict she came to group last week). I noticed he was looking at her with a huge smile on his face. He then looked around the room at the other parents and he raised his hand (how sweet?!?). The words out of his mouth brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart….he said, “I know why God gave me her. I have 4 others kids, all older than her. And she is the first one that I have ever held. I didn’t help with the other kids and I never held them, but her, I have to because of her disability and my wife isn’t good. And I thank God every day for her. I love holding her”. WOW!
Through the hardships that this father endures - poverty, the death of a child in the earthquake, a wife that struggles with depression and PTSD, lack of steady employment, a child with a disability - he thanks God everyday for giving him his precious little girl who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome and malnutrition.
I often hear horror stories about how individuals with disabilities get treated. The things that are said to them and about them are difficult to even repeat. But there is hope in EVERY situation...sometimes that hope comes simply from a parent holding his child.
The need for therapy here in Haiti is so BIG and it is never ending. It comes along with the HUGE need for education - not only parent education, but education for the ENTIRE community. Some days it would be easier to give up rather than to try to meet all the needs - not only the physical needs of the kids, but the emotional and spiritual needs of the kids and the parents/caregivers. But stories like this one keep me going on a day to day basis here in Haiti and I am deeply blessed by each one!