Monday, April 2, 2018

World Down Syndrome Day!!!

Again a little late....I really thought I had posted this already, but just now, I realized that it was still sitting in my "notes" section on my desktop just waiting to be posted.....

March 21st was World Down Syndrome Day....that day I sat down and wrote the following words.......

Today is World Down Syndrome Day!!


What does that mean??

Take a minute to learn a little about this amazing day of awareness. 

March 21st is “World Down Syndrome Day” (WDSD). Seem like an odd or random day for such a thing?? Not really. March 21st has been selected as WDSD because it is the 21st day of the third month. Still a little confused?? Typically, each chromosome in a persons genetic make up have is a pair. However, in those with Down Syndrome, instead of duplication of the 21st chromosome, there is triplication resulting in three of the 21st chromosome. So March being the 3rd month signifies the triplication of the chromosome and the 21st signifies chromosome 21. 

A little history on this day….
Many countries around the world first celebrated WDSD in 2006; however March 21st was officially declared as World Down Syndrome Day by the UN in December of 2011 as the General Assembly stated beginning in 2012, March 21st would be observed yearly as WDSD. 

Why is this day important??
This is a tough question to answer in a brief message as this day is important for many reasons. I will keep it short though. Today is a day where awareness can be spread and advocacy can occur. Individuals with Down Syndrome are extremely amazing people. Unfortunately, in many countries this is not believed….and it would be naive to think that everyone in the United States was accepting of those with Down Syndrome. I bet we would all be a little shocked if we dove into statistics regarding abortion rates once parents discover their child has Down Syndrome.
One story I read within the past year provided information regarding Iceland and the attempt to almost “eliminate” Down Syndrome from their country. Close to 100% percent of unborn babies with Down Syndrome are aborted…let that sink in…almost ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Those that choose not to abort are viewed as selfish for taking up resources and funds. What is even more horrific is the fact that the main hospital that completes these abortions hands the family a card that includes the sex and weight of the baby AND THE BABY’S FOOTPRINTS. If that does not anger you or make you sad, then I do not know what would. 

Other statistics…
  • In Denmark, of those women who knew their baby had down syndrome, all except FOUR chose to end the pregnancy. (2017)
  • Iceland - 98% are aborted (2017)
  • United States - 67% are aborted (2017)
  • France - 77% are aborted (2017)

I do not want to turn this into a debate over abortion laws, rather, I want this to raise awareness that due to lack of education in MANY countries, a high percentage of mothers are choosing to abort their baby due to a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. I would think that this comes from a place of fear and worry. Fear of the inability to care for a child with special needs. Worry about the child’s future. BUT….if you have ever had the pleasure to spend time with anyone who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome, then I think you would agree that they are the most amazing human beings. I truly, wholeheartedly believe that we are all to live our lives just as those with Down Syndrome do. They love without judgment and they love well. Just as God intended for HIS people. There is so much hatred going on in the world today. So much jealousy, judgment, anger, fighting, murder, etc. If we were all to LOVE each other just as individuals with Down Syndrome do, then this world would be one amazing place. 

I have been blessed to work with MANY kids and teenagers with Down Syndrome. Each child was unique in their own way; however one similarity amongst all was their ability to love no matter what the circumstance. The joy, the laughter, the smiles….that is how we are to carry ourselves through life by radiating nothing but JOY and LOVE. All the kiddos I have worked with have this figured out….it is time that we all figure it out as well. 

So today….and EVERY DAY….let’s advocate for Down Syndrome. Let’s educate and spread awareness. And let us all pray that one day the rate of abortions will decrease and the world will be blessed with a lot more love and joy!