When you look at the picture above, what do you see? I am
assuming that the majority of individuals see a simple slab of
concrete…something under construction. But, this picture displays something
much deeper than a construction site. Yes, this is just concrete. Yes, it is
something that is under construction. BUT in addition to those simplicities,
this is a foundation. Not just a foundation to a future building, but also a
foundation to needed change. It is a foundation for growth to occur. It is a
foundation that was built to fulfill a God given vision. This foundation means
the world to not only myself but to many others…there is nothing “simple” about
this foundation.
The foundation that you see in the picture is the foundation
for the future Therapy Center at Respire Haiti. This foundation will be the
strength, the support that will hold the PT/OT and mental health programs. Both
programs are currently functioning out of the medical clinic, but have outgrown
the space. These programs serve not only individuals associated with Respire
Haiti programs, but also to individuals in the community. I am going to focus
on the PT/OT program, as this is the program that I am obviously involved in
the most. (But I will make a side note – the mental health program is near and
dear to my heart as it is an extremely important program at Respire. Mental
health intervention and counseling is HIGHLY needed!!!
The PT/OT program began in an 8x8 room with just one
American OT (myself) and a handful of kids from the Respire Haiti Christian
School. Within a few weeks, the program grew from around 10 patients to around 25.
Within in a few months, well over 40 patients had come to the front gate of the
clinic in search of therapy services. Just a few months after the program
began, it was realized that this program was on its way to a rapid growth. The
need was bigger than we could have imagined. The need was overwhelming for this
one OT to manage. Quickly, trained staff was hired and the program moved into a
larger room where it is currently located. A very long story short, the program
has provided services to over 240 patients and families. It currently provides
full-time employment to three nationals. In addition, patients have received
chairs, walkers, standers, canes, etc. Families have received love and care.
Hope has been shown through sharing the gospel and God’s love for ALL of HIS
The program is currently stuck in a hard place. The need for
therapy services has only increased. A waiting list of over 90 patients has
become a consistent reality. Patients show up on a DAILY basis in search of
therapy services. Due to space issues, we cannot hire more staff members, we
cannot intake more patients…we simply cannot grow the program. We are in a
difficult place. Entire communities of people are unable to be reached because
we cannot fit them into our program due to lack of space. My heart continues to
break by the day as I add another name to the waiting list. My heart continues
to break as I have to continuously look a loving mother or father in the eye
and tell them they have to wait on a phone call….and I cannot tell them when
that phone call will occur. My heart continues to break as patients become
unreachable due to phone number changes or inability to pay for minutes. My
heart continues to break when we finally call a family on the waiting list and
they have already chosen to give up their child because they had lost all hope
and confidence in their ability to care for their child. My heart continues to
break because we cannot grow the program to intake more patients simply because
we do not have space.
The foundation shown in the picture exemplifies hope, love,
excitement, and most importantly, God’s mercy and grace. I am trying to rest in
faith and trust in God’s plan for the special needs population, but honestly,
it is hard. I would love to write about the never-ending faith and the never
existent doubts…but that is not the reality, that is not truth. The special needs
population in Haiti is truly the least of the least of these and as the days go
on and the longer this foundation sits without a building to hold up…my faith teeters
on the edge. I am left to potentially face the fact that this foundation was
built to be just a foundation. I am left with feelings of sadness and fear that
a building will never be built upon this solid, or maybe not too solid,
I can only fall into deep prayer. That feeling of your faith wavering is
not a comfortable feeling. It is is a feeling that I do not want to admit to or own or hold myself accountable for; however I know I must do all those things. There is growth in that! I know in God’s timing, the building will come. I will continue
to have strong faith in the growth of the PT/OT program. I will fully and
strongly believe that one day…one day soon…more patients will be reached and
more families will be kept together. I do believe more individuals will find
hope and faith in God. I will continue to keep holding onto that belief.
The foundation in that picture is far from a “simple” slab
of concrete. The foundation signifies God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness,
and his power to love the least of the least of these.
Please join me in prayer over the holiday season and into the new year. Prayer for this vision to come to life. Prayer for funding to come in to make this a reality. Prayer that this foundation will one day have an amazing building resting upon it to welcome more individuals to receive God's love and care.
***After prayer, if you feel led to come alongside us and join this project financially, then please visit www.respirehaiti.org and click on the "Donate" button. Select "Therapy Center" from the list and follow the steps.***