The week of February 20th brought about the 2nd
annual special needs health fair. This is by far one of my favorite weeks. It
is a busy, exhausting week, but one of the most fun weeks of the year. The fair
was held at Hope Rising and was hosted by the amazing crew from Lakepointe
Church in Texas. I was blessed to once again come alongside this team and
organize the therapy volunteers and plan for the fair. This year we decided to
make the fair strictly focused on therapy with the added bonus of each child
receiving a malnutrition screening. The fair consisted of 4 days.
Day One – Set Up Day
The team from Lakepointe Church was busy setting up the
booths, or rather stations, for the fair. Stations included the following:
malnutrition screening
tooth brushing
hand washing
proper water drining
rehydration salt education
nutrition education
bible story
therapy ball education
and a bouncy house for fun!
Set up day can also be referred to as pre-fabrication day to
assist in improving the flow of equipment building for the next three days.
We were blessed to have an amazing seamstress join us for
the week – Patty was a HUGE HUGE help sewing seats, boppy pillows, cushions, harnesses,
backs to chair, etc. She was one BUSY lady! We could not have functioned
without her!

I had an AWESOME therapy team volunteering their time. We
had 6 therapists, 3 rehabilitation technicians, 3 rehabilitation technician
students, 5 PT students from FSRL, and 2 future OT students from the states.
The therapy team organized all orthotics and shoes along
with all supplies (foam, splinting materials, tools, etc.). The team also pre-cut
the tops and bases to standers and walkers, buckets for bucket chairs, and wooden
bases for bucket chairs and bases to attach wheels to walkers. After a long day
of set-up at Hope Rising, some of us were back at Respire printing and
laminating sheets for home exercise programs. It was a long day; however this long
day made the rest of the week flow smoothly!!
Day Two – Fair Day
The day of the fair finally arrived after many months of
anticipation and planning and oh what a joy it was!!
Each child completed a malnutrition screening, received a
full therapy evaluation, and enjoyed the many stations provided.
Sally and her amazing team of nurses and assistants
conducted the malnutrition screening station. The team from Lakepointe along
with Lydia and Rita ensured each station ran smoothly. Lydia is a good friend
who runs a day care for children with special needs and Rita was back in Haiti
for a visit. It was a blessing to have them both join us during this exciting
day!! We also had help from Reach Global Ministries.
The therapy team completed 40 evaluations this day. Each
evaluation included parent education and each child received an appointment for
one of two of the follow up days to receive needed orthotics and/or equipment.
We also made a few pieces of equipment for those that traveled a far distance or were unable to attend the follow up days.
Days Three and Four –
Follow up days that included equipment fabrication and orthotic fitting
These two days were devoted to fabricating walker, standers,
kneelers, and chairs. Many orthotics and hand/wrist splints were fabricated as
In total we made the following: 9 Haitian adapted chairs, 5
bucket chairs, 6 walkers, and 6 standers. In addition, 14 pairs of lower extremity
orthotics were fitted, 4 wrist/hand splints were fabricated, 3 bivalve casts made,
and 1 scoliosis brace was fabricated.
And two of my favorites of the week - Autumn and Shelly :)
The four days of the fair are long, exhausting days, but twice as fun! Follow up with each child has and will continue to occur. The week of the fair is an amazing week that is full of smiles and laughter. We all cannot wait until next years fair!!
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