Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blessings through the heaviness...

Last week was a long week full of ups and way too many downs. Heartache and joy overflowed each day. The stories that filled the week consisted of great sadness, confusion, and hopelessness at times. However, there were stories of overcoming barriers and obstacles and stories that have provided long awaited answers. It simply was a week of great emotional exhaustion as every hour of each day brought forth a roller coaster of emotion. As I sit and reflect on each and every story, the greatest joy overflows my heart as I think about one event. On Thursday, our two special needs classrooms had an end of the year party…and those kids and teachers know how to party. The party included dancing, singing, preaching, story time, a short film, more preaching, more dancing, and more singing. Whew. After 3.5 hours, the party came to an end and everyone went on their way. I headed back to the clinic and attempted to work, but I quickly realized I was not cut out for 3.5 hour long parties in the middle of the day. However, I was beyond blessed to be a part of the fun. Watching this group of teachers and students truly celebrate life with no worries in the world was amazing. The teachers celebrated each child in a way that made each of them feel deeply loved. They announced each kid and clapped as he/she danced his/her way into the classroom. They allowed each child to stand in front of the class to dance, sing, preach, or all of the above. Each student was told how perfectly and beautifully he/she was made. The pure joy written across each face expressed exactly what was felt on the inside. It was a blast!! Now enjoy some pictures of the event!!

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