Answered Prayers
Sometimes just as you are feeling defeated, feeling hopeless, God proves otherwise. We have a young 12 year boy who has severe scoliosis. He is growing. He is getting heavier. His scoliosis is getting worse. He is unable to sit, unable to walk, unable to talk, unable to move most extremities. His breathing is becoming more difficult. His mom has to carry him everywhere. His mom is amazing. His mom is full of nothing but love for him. His mom is worried. She is worried that she will soon not be able to carry him for much longer. At the same time, he is happy and she is happy. The love these two have for each other is illustrated every time they come into the clinic. The smiles they share are priceless and heartwarming.
But one thing still remains……
He needs a wheelchair. He desperately needs a chair where he can sit and engage in his environment. He needs a chair so he can sit instead of lay all day long. He needs a chair so he can breath easier. He needs a chair so he can enjoy life even more than he already does. He needs a chair to relieve a little stress from his mom. He just simply needs a chair.
Below is a chair we have that we could adapt for him…

Could we adapt it to better fit his needs? YES. Would it be the most functional? NO. Will it be the best option for him? NO. Will it be done quickly? NO. But what are we to do with limited resources? One thing that is certain is that we pray and we pray. We ask others for help. We do not lose hope.
Well friends…prayers work and this story proves this fact.
Many nights were spent contacting organizations within Haiti as well as stateside organizations. After many sleepless nights and hitting every road block possible (many organizations have either never given chairs to Haiti or have stopped distributing chairs to Haiti for one reason or another), I was slowly beginning to think that we were in for the challenge of adapting the chair in the above picture. But something in me continued to say wait…so I told the other therapists, “give me another week” (and I may have said that more than once…..). After a few good friends stopped by before leaving Haiti, prayers were answered. Becky Harding, also known as “the connector”, happened to have contact information for an organization who distributes wheelchairs all over the world. And YES, they still distribute chairs to Haiti. Side note: Becky met someone involved in this organization at the airport two years ago (I think she said 2 years…I could have it wrong?). It just goes to show how important any and ALL encounters can be. So after Becky sent me the contact info, I looked at the organization’s website. I found that they will be doing a distribution of chairs in Haiti….but not until January. My first thought, “he needs a chair before January”. I emailed the contact person and then checked my email MULTIPLE times afterwards that night. The power finally went out so I was able to get some rest…no power = no WiFi = no checking email…the one time I was a little happy the power went out, ha!
The next day, I checked my email as soon as the generator was turned on. No reply. So off to work I went. Checked my email at lunch. No reply. Checked my email after work. Still no reply. (I am typically a fairly patient person….but I was not patient at all this time). Checked my email after dinner. A REPLY!!!!! Long story short…the person who replied sent my email to those who stay in country and said that they MAY be able to get a chair prior to January, but no guarantee and then stated that someone should be contacting me soon. So I waited again. But this time, I didn’t have to wait long. Once morning arose, I had an email waiting for me in my inbox. I clicked on it…and there it was…they HAVE A CHAIR!!!! So this week, on Friday, after 6 weeks of waiting, I will be heading with the mom and the child to Port-au-Prince to get him fitted for a wheelchair. Please, please, please pray that all the logistics work out on both ends and that we can get safely to Port-au-Prince. Pray that no delays in the process occur. And please check out the organization that is DONATING a chair to this family. Joni and Friends at Under the tab “Our Ministries” click on “Wheels around the World” and you can learn about what they do. It is an awesome organization that definitely keeps Christ in the forefront. Nothing is impossible through God!!!!
Below are a few pictures of him (with moms permission)….I wish these pictures captured his personality because he is truly an amazing young man!

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